Get Fresh Crop Alerts and You Get First Crack at Local Foods.

You’ll be one of the savviest locavores in town.  You’ll know what’s picking as soon as we do.  Get your free insider info.

We’ll email you when stuff is ripe.

Sign Up Here


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Go picking together!

Why are crop alerts so important?  A farm is a study in timing.  The seasons run the show.  We get a mountain of peppers all at once.  Thousands of tomatoes ripen in a few weeks.  When crops come in, we must move them out.  Snooze we lose.P1090322

It’s not like a supermarket.  These local fruits and vegetables were not shipped thousands of miles or “sealed for freshness.”  This is fresh food plucked off the plants.  Harvest now, eat now.  And the Fresh Crop Alerts make it possible.  It’s as easy as A-B-C.


A is for Apple…

…and all the food that grows here at Indian Creek.  We work 365 days a year and the plants work their “buds” off—just so food will come bursting forth in the harvest months.  After the huge collective effort, we don’t want to waste a single apple.  That’s where you come in.


B is for Blog.

You’ll see a crop alert on our news blog when new produce is prime for picking.  But, even better, every crop alert goes straight to our subscribers, so if you sign up free by email you won’t miss a post.  And that means you won’t miss your favorite local foods.


C is for Crop Mob!

When crop alerts go out, people come running.  So when you hear us blowing the horn of plenty, come pick your dinner!  No work required—you can pick your own or simply stop at the stand.  Either way, you are part of the harvest.  It’s a good old-fashioned feeling.

When you start getting crop alerts, you won’t come picking every time.  We know that.  And we understand the convenience of the big grocery store.  But if our crop alerts inspire you to stop here every couple weeks, that really adds up.  Margins are thin on a small farm, which means every $2 box of fresh fruit matters.P1090629

Especially during bumper seasons, when we have apples coming out of our ears, your visits prevent waste.  There is nothing more senseless than raising a tomato from a mere seedling, only to see it go bad while it waits in vain for a loving home.


How to Help Your Local Farm
Without Getting Too Smelly or Tired.

Eat the fruit.  Eat the vegetables.  It’s so easy!  When you buy our crops, that makes our small farm viable.  Simple, right?  Well, we can make it simpler.  We will send you an email when crops are ripe and stuff is on sale.  You can sign up in a snap.


The best way to ensure the vitality of small farms is to eat the fruits of their labor.  When you buy direct, those dollars go straight to work, close to home.  Of course, you can also support local farms in certain restaurants and markets.  Some people go further by writing to their politicians about small farm issues.  But you don’t necessarily have to go further, because you can go closer:  simply visit your local farm stand.  We’ll tell you when.


What We Love.

First, what we don’t love.  We don’t love giving the sales pitch.  You know, “Buy our fruit.  It’s great!  Blah, blah, blah.”


Here’s what we love:

  • working on the farm with friends
  • sharing it with locals and travelers
  • making it productive and beautiful
  • protecting it from development

To do those things, we have to sell what we grow.  Each piece of produce must be matched up with a human—and fast, right at harvest time.  Odds are that if you sign up for Fresh Crop Alerts, you’ll help us gobble up the goods at least once this year.


Sales pitch over.  Come visit the farm.  We won’t hassle you.  Wander around, have a picnic, take a nap.  If you’re having fun, we’re having fun.  Many thanks for your support of local farms.

~ The Gang at Indian Creek Farm