Visit Indian Creek Farm, for the Fruits Would Like Your Company.

June through October, we are open Tuesday-Sunday 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. We are always closed on Mondays. Donuts are served Thursday-Sunday 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. See the news page for the latest weekly crop reports.

You can pick fruits and vegetables in the fields, or pop into the farm stand for fresh produce that we have harvested for you. To find the farm, follow the rainbow or try Google Maps. To find out when fresh crops are ready to pick, get Fresh Crop Alerts free by email. You can download our 8-page brochure to read about policies and more.

Our 2023 Dog Policy — We love dogs, but please do not bring your dogs to the farm. Note that there are two working farm dogs who roam the land. Their instinct is to protect the farm. They might trot up to you and beg for love or treats. Please just ignore them. They don’t have the best manners and don’t know when to stop. We do not expect problems, but please share your concerns with us.

Orchard Ladders — Be careful when using the wooden “tripod” stools and small ladders. Do not climb a tall ladder if you find one in the orchard; they are for farm crew only.

Drive Slowwwwwly — The ‘Creek is an active farm. There are people and animals and tractors and potholes and falling apples… lots to watch out for… and not run into. Go slowly. In the parking lot, on farm roads, even in your private fruit farm daydreams. You’re on vacation here.


Things to Bring.

You will find picking supplies at the farm stand, including boxes, bags, loppers, and clippers.  You will also find maps of the orchards inside our brochure.  Take one for your journey.  But all you really need to bring is yourself and a mild sense of adventure.  For thoughts on what to wear, scroll down below.


Each summer, we open in June when the strawberries are ready to pick.  You can be notified by email when we open, and you can see our crop calendar for approximate dates.


Indian Creek is the closest farm to Ithaca, New York, home of brilliant natural areas and higher learning.  Gorges, waterfalls, wineries, and museums are all within a pumpkin toss.

The farm is an easy destination for families visiting Cornell University, Ithaca College, and Wells College.  Drop by Indian Creek to get a sense of the surroundings off campus.


When to Visit.


The best time to come is when you hear us cheering about fresh crops.  Sign up to get Fresh Crop Alerts by email and you won’t miss your favorite local foods.  Tons of people have already signed up.  Subscribers get the best picking.Our regular customers visit weekly for their farm-fresh groceries.  Since they stop here often, they catch some of the action as it happens.  One morning we might notice that a corner of the peach orchard has ripened “over night,” and whoever stops in gets the booty.  But if you are serious about harvesting (and eating!) the freshest local produce, subscribe to become a first responder.


If you want a loose guide to the timing of crops here at Indian Creek, have a look at the annual crop calendar.  On that page, you will hear us preach even more about how Fresh Crop Alerts are the best way to keep up with reality.


As we said, the farm is open sunrise to sunset.  That means you can get goodies at the roadside stand or go u-picking whenever it’s light enough to see.  During the season, there is someone at the stand between 8 AM and 8 PM, but you can use the self-serve box if they are napping, slacking, or snacking.


How to Get Here.

CARS ~ No problem, we’re just a couple minutes up Route 96 from Ithaca and 10 minutes from Trumansburg.  You can use our main parking lot or leave your vehicle along the dirt roads wherever you are picking in the fields.  Here’s the Google Map.


BIKES ~ We would love to see more people biking here and loading their panniers with fruit for the glide back down to Ithaca.  The bottom of Route 96 is not beautifully appointed for cyclists, but at the hilltop you enter touring country—farms and parks for miles.  If your bike does dirt, ride around the farm, it’s fun.

BUSES ~ They are pretty good from Ithaca.  The Number 21 goes right past the farm and you can signal the driver to stop at the farm stand.  The Number 14 stops near the corner of Route 96 and Hayts Road.  From the stop, you walk a few hundred feet to the farm.


FEET ~ You can walk here from downtown.  It’s a steady uphill climb but unfortunately the sidewalk ends and then you are walking in the shoulder.  It’s not the best pedestrian road.  There is one gal who pulls her grocery cart behind her and wanders the orchard every week—it has an Old-World feel.  The dogs tag along as she goes.


What to Wear.

You can wear whatever.  But let it be known that u-picking is a prime photographic opportunity, given the natural backdrops, dappled light, and authentic emotions that people express when they are engaged in purposeful but uncomplicated exertion.



Even veteran pickers spend at least 30 minutes contemplating the function and form of their outfits.  The prudent apparel planner will accessorize liberally—hat and sunglasses, gloves and scarves, and perhaps a picnic basket (in the case of the advanced student).  The trick is to look unplanned but not uncoordinated.

No items are specifically prohibited, but certain pieces are probably beyond the pale.  Stilleto heels, for example, will imperil your ankles even as they put the next tier of apples within reach.  We are fruit-pushers but we can’t recommend that gamble.

Finally, if you want to go further and pass yourself off as a real farmer, put down your LL Bean catalog and visit the clothing department of Tractor Supply Company on Route 13.  Be aware, however, that the sartorial joys of farming have drawn more than a few dabblers into the agriculture life for good.


What Else?

If you have questions about visiting the farm, there are a bunch of ways to contact us.  Hope to see you at The ‘Creek.